More Fabulous Virtual Zoom Backgrounds from The Guest House at Graceland: To change your Zoom background, follow Zoom’s Youtube tutorial video: Simply download the images from this blog post and upload into Zoom! From our chic wallpapers to our thirst-quenching cocktails, the images we selected for the Zoom backgrounds will bring a little “vacation” to your virtual experience. We’ve compiled some of our favorite backdrops from the hotel for you to use as your meeting virtual backgrounds. Whether your plans got postponed or you are still dreaming of your last visit, we’re making The Guest House at Graceland more accessible to you, virtually. Then follow Zoom’s instructions to upload it as your virtual background. To download one of our backgrounds, right mouse click the image and save the photo in an easy to access place on your computer. You can add a little spark to your Zoom meeting with these virtual backgrounds from the Guest House at Graceland. We created a few custom backgrounds to share. They are a great way to stay in contact as well as be productive. We’ve been “Taking Care of Business” by having Zoom meetings. Zoom meetings, get-togethers, and virtual happy hours are wildly popular during this Covid19 crisis that has us all sheltering in place and social-distancing. Add a little spark to your Zoom meeting with these virtual backgrounds from the Guest House Graceland in Memphis, TN.